Best Dancers

Frank Hakel and Jan Nix

Best Dressed

Gay Stevens and Pat McKeirnan

Best Appearing

C.G. Cleveland and Barb Love

Best Personalities

Howard Digel and Dolores Vaughn


Jim Simmonetti and Cora Patterson

Best Looking

Hap Britton and Carole Comes

Best Class Workers

Jack Siegel and Jackie Canfield

Best Musicians

Don Webster and Carol Norman

Most Likely to Succeed

Chuck Barr and Sylvia Salvadori

Most Studious

Hank Cummings and Nancy Gustafson


Larry Moran and Rhea Andrews

Most Popular

Sut Shirey and Sue Brockitt

Most Artistic

Norm Howard and Janice Tarbox

Best Athletes

Dave Petruzzi, Betty Campbell, and Jim Smith